Will I be charged right away PRE-ORDER purchases?

Yes your account will be charged right away for all PRE-ORDER item(s) at checkout. Please pay close attention to expected dates of arrival under product descriptions.

When will my PRE-ODRDER item(s) ship?

We will ship PRE-ORDER item(s) within 2 weeks. Once product lands in our warehouse we will ship out within 24-48 hours.

Can I use my in-store gift certificate online?

Unfortunately, in-store certificates are strictly for our store front location. If you would like to purchase an online gift certificate, please visit the gift certificate tab under shop in the main menu bar!

Can I use my online gift certificate in-store?

Similarly to our in-store certificates, online gift certificates are strictly used for online purchases. If you would like to purchase an in-store gift certificate, give us a call or come visit our store front!

Do we ship outside of the United States?

At this time, we are only shipping within the United States.

RETURNS for ONLINE: Can I drop off my Online purchases for exchange/credit at the store front?

Unfortunately the store front and our website are two separate entities. Online exchange or credit can only be processed through online. See "Return Policy"

In-store purchases for exchange or store credit can only be done In-store.

Can I use my in-store credit online?

Unfortunately, in-store credits are for in-store purchases only and cannot be transferred.

Can I use my online credit in-store?

Unfortunately, online credits are for online purchases only and cannot be transferred.

Can I use my In-Store Roka APP online?

Unfortunately the In-Store Roka APP is for in-store purchases only at Glendale, AZ location

Can I return or exchange any makeup products?

Due to sanitary reasons, clients cannot return or exchange any makeup products